What youll love: This quick and maneuverable stroller is a pleasure to drive, and its high-quality fabric gives the B-Agile a look like its pricier peers. It's also a pleasure to ride in for your baby, thanks to a sturdy suspension and a large UV protective canopy.
What to watch out for: The infant car seat anchors aren't compatible with all car seat models, and the undercarriage basket is on the small side. In addition, the B-Agile's seat back does not go completely upright, which can annoy older children.
The bottom line: Britax ingenuity shows up in the B-Agile stroller. They've considered both your comfort and your child's in its functional design.
- Features: Canopy, 1 Built-in Cup Holder for Parent, Storage Basket Beneath Seat, Peekaboo Window, Front Swivel Wheels, Compact Fold, Reclining Seat, Safety Harness
- Stroller Functions: Accommodates 1 Infant Carseat, All-Wheel Suspension, One-Hand Fold
- Includes: Car Seat Adaptor, Stroller
- Safety and Security Features: Car Seat Anchors, 5-Point Harness, Foot-Activated Dual-Rear Parking Brake
- Certifications: JPMA Certified
- Care and Cleaning: Wipe Clean With Soap and Water
- Min. Stroller Weight Supported: 4.0 Lb.
- Max. Stroller Weight Capacity: 55.0 Lb.
- Manufacturer's Suggested Age: Newborn and Up
- Material: Aluminum, Plastic
- Protective Qualities: UV Protection
- Dimensions: 40.5 " H x 22.75 " W x 38.25 " D
- Collapsed Dimensions: 10.0 " H x 22.75 " W x 29.0 " D
- Weight: 16.5 Lb.
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