Magimix Cuisine Systeme 5150
Food Processors 食物調理機
Food processor, Mixer, Citrus press, Juice extractor, Mandoline slicer, Grater, Mini chopper & Blender.
6, 12, and 16-cup preparation bowls (3個尺寸的容器), spatula, storage case, and bonus accessories: storage holder, citrus press, cream whipper, and juice extractor.
Made in France by Robot Coupe. <法國製造>
尺寸: 10 3/4"W x 8 1/2"D x 16 1/4"H
1. Magimix 標榜調理碗可丟洗碗機清洗 !
2. 食物處理機可以幫忙刨絲、切片、磨碎食物!
PS. 有媽咪拿它來做台式蘿蔔糕ㄛ (可以網上搜尋一下食譜)
Food processor, Mixer, Citrus press, Juice extractor, Mandoline slicer, Grater, Mini chopper & Blender.
6, 12, and 16-cup preparation bowls (3個尺寸的容器), spatula, storage case, and bonus accessories: storage holder, citrus press, cream whipper, and juice extractor.
Made in France by Robot Coupe. <法國製造>
尺寸: 10 3/4"W x 8 1/2"D x 16 1/4"H
1. Magimix 標榜調理碗可丟洗碗機清洗 !
2. 食物處理機可以幫忙刨絲、切片、磨碎食物!
PS. 有媽咪拿它來做台式蘿蔔糕ㄛ (可以網上搜尋一下食譜)